Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Progress Report

Yeh Yeh, I know, it's been ages! Well, it's time for a change ...

Since our last post, a lot of progress has been made:

We've managed to secure sponsorship from the college - they are providing us half of the money we need on a £1/£1 basis. This means that for every pound we make from outside sponsors, they will match it.
The plans were presented to the Principal, Vice Principal and the Chief Executive of SAC, and they were very impressed.

We were also given a contact for an outside sponsor from a friend on another course at SAC.

A Communications/Spokesperson was nominated ... Paul chose to take up this role.

At this last meeting, Tony was away, but the planting team still came back with a report. The planting theme is Scottish Natives. Books have been acquired for research, the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh said they would donate some plant material since the SAC has such a close connection with them.

The budget is more or less sorted! Thank goodness! The only thing needing sorted is a bank account.

It was decided by Alan that more publicity was needed, so he decided to design some posters and flyers and place them around the college and campus, with the Blogspot address and out place on Facebook to get followers and support.

Construction meeting progress is well under way - the frame design has been agreed, and a meeting has been arranged for the build. The construction team are also meeting with a croft builder for guidance and advice. Rendering courses and welding courses are required as well in order to ensure we build the garden outselves.

When the info finally comes from Chelsea as to the details of our plot on site, a fact-finding trip is going to be arranged. A few people will travel to London to survey the site, meet with "Bright Green Energy" (the company providing the wind turbine and solar panel), and to see if any last minute sponsors can be found.

For now, major progress has been made. The planting team, and Amber, have met and have NEARLY finished compiling a list of plants.
Everything else is ticking away nicely, and all should fall into place nicely.

Monday, 16 November 2009

Facebook details ...

We're now on Facebook as well ... The Underestimated.
Join our group :)

A Little Bit About Us ...

We are "The Underestimated."

Basically, we are a group of second year garden designer from The Scottish Agricultural College, in Edinburgh. Usually, the second years are asked to design and construct a show garden at the Royal Horticultural Society's "Gardening Scotland." This year, however, us second years have been a little bit more ambitious. We have applied, submitted a design, and been ACCEPTED into the most prestigious event on the RHS calendar - The Chelsea Flower Show. This is the first time ever for any scottish college or university, so we are extremely lucky.

Many people thought we were being over ambitious, and that we wouldn't be accepted, but with a stroke of luck, and talent at designing gardens, we were accepted.

This blog has been set up to allow people to keep up to date with our progress. Along with Facebook, details of which will be posted later, we are hoping to gain as much support from the public as possible. A documentary of our journey and, hopefully, out success at the show is being made as well.

Wish us luck!

Blogs of meetings held and our progress will be posted as they occur..